Play Bowls
Playing bowls

Would you like to have a go? Lawn Bowls is a sport that caters to all ages and levels of fitness. Whether you’re interested in playing competitively or just a casual roll-up with friends – lawn bowls has you covered. You will find some useful information below and a friendly welcome at your local club.

Rangatahi Roll Up

A new brand of youth bowls

In a world filled with technology and fast-paced living, it’s crucial to provide our rangatahi (youth) with unique and enriching experiences that, not only keep them active but also foster a sense of belonging within their community.

Bowls Auckland alongside clubs, have taken up this challenge! We introduce you to a new brand of youth bowls – Rangatahi Roll Up! Offering quality on and off-green experiences for rangatahi across Tāmaki Makaurau.

Read our full news release here

Coaching Courses

Coaching is about sharing your knowledge and experience, making sport fun and giving everyone a go.

It’s about teaching discipline, fair play and skills that will help athletes in all aspects of their lives. You will play an important role in making sure bowlers learn to enjoy our sport.

These courses are designed to help you with your Coaching journey.

Twilight, Social Bowls & Corporate Events

Most clubs offer Social Bowls events. From casual Friday ‘Burger & Bowls’ to Tournaments that run over several weeks. Get together with friends, to enjoy some fresh air and good-old fashioned competition.

Whatever your reason for hosting a corporate event, it is always a challenge to find something that everyone can do and enjoy.
Lawn bowls is a sport that anyone can play, it’s also fun, quick to learn and can be very competitive, which is why we believe that Lawn Bowls is the ideal corporate event for you and your clients.
All clubs are fully licensed and can arrange on-site catering, as well as a host of other fun activities.